Thursday, March 04, 2010

Somebody left the back door open, again ...

I haven’t given an update on the Hobo Kitties in a while so today’s as good a day as any. Bubba, our senior kitty, has about given up on us. She got up off the end of our bed, which she would argue is actually hers and she just lets us use it; yelling in our direction as she walked over to the kitchen nook, “Hey, somebody left the back door open, again”, sarcasm dripping off her sharpened front claws.

When weather permits I’ve been leaving the kitchen nook door open hoping Head Buttr’ will take us up on the invitation. This morning both Brother and Head Buttr wandered in while a disgusted Bubba kept a close eye on them from her perch atop the kitchen counter top.

Brother, having wandered inside several times now, knows to check out the corners of the cat bed which gets a regular spray of cat nip. It didn’t take him long to curl up, his head pushed over the edge of one corner in a mild stupor, gently purring with a knowledge that the back door remained an easy escape should the need arise.
Head Buttr’ wandered around the den for a short while, got lonely and went over and did what she does best, butted heads with Brother. They’re making progress; more than our tomato seedlings which don’t look much different than they did last week; oh well.
Bubba sulked off and lay down on top of the cable box, a nice warm spot where she could keep an eye on the interlopers. “Would somebody please close the door" followed by, "Were you guys raised in a barn?”

As soon as Brother and Head Buttr’ bolted out the door Bubba took up a more aggressive position, sitting on the threshold smack dab in the middle, “Aint no Hobo Kitties getting’ past me this way!”

1 comment:

T. F. Stern said...

That translates to, "Youth passed away without a thing of the past, the cause of a loss is difficult Youcheng."

I have no clue to what that means; but thanks for dropping by.

Sometimes those turn out to be nothing but spam from Hong Kong, trying to sell time shares in Singapore with a view of the river.